Saturday, December 13, 2008

Here's the thing

Not "The Thing", as in the movie, you understand. Rather, here is the thing. The reason why we're here. Our raison d'etre, if you will.

Over on the sister blog The Proof Is Out There (check it out! tell your friends!) I've been ruminating on and off for a wee while now about this and that, in the field of mathematics education. But mayhap there comes a time when you just have to say "stuff that for a lark", and get on with something else.

To wit...

Y'see, I know that out there, as well as proofs, there are mathematicians and maths students/pupils/call them what you will, who are working hard. Putting in a full shift. Burning the midnight. And such people can ill afford to be wasting their time heading off to see some crappy movie of a Friday night. It just won't do.

Step forward, then, maths teacher goes to the movies. Your one-stop shop for the opinions that matter on the movies of the day (or past, or even of the DVD), with a frisson of mathematics thrown in now and then for good measure. And we'll be widening the field as and when it suits us - we might take a look at TV programmes, or other media generally. We may also look at the vexed question of which pen one should use when doing mathematics - yes, the obsession remains.

Not that this is anything terribly new, mind you - archived movie reviews and such like can be found over on the sister site, going back a couple of years at least. But time for a fresh start.

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